Sustainability Commitee
The Circular Economy Commitee has recently been restructured into a Sustainability Commitee (the “Commitee”) in view of two (2) important considerations, namely:
a) The United Arab Emirates (UAE) President His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan declared in January 2023 that 2023 would be the “Year of Sustainability.” The “Year of Sustainability” would pay homage to the legacy of the late His Highness Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, the Founder of the UAE. The “Year of Sustainability” would also involve a diversity of initatves, actvites, and events emanang from deeply rooted values of sustainability.
b) The UAE will be hostng the 28th Conference of the Partes of the United Natons Framework Conventon on Climate Change (COP 28) from November 30, 2023 to December 12, 2023.

3. The Commitee will strive to achieve the following strategic objectives:
a) To lead the CEO Clubs Network’s approach to sustainability and provide strategic guidance to the Management of the CEO Clubs Network on sustainability;
b) To raise awareness and instill a beter understanding of sustainability among members and/or partners/ sponsors of the CEO Clubs Network;
c) To facilitate the dissemination of relevant and timely knowledge on sustainability and/or cultivate unique and meaningful opportunities to engage in sustainability projects, programs, and initiatives for the benefit of the CEO Clubs Network’s members and/or partners/ sponsors;
d) To organize tailored events and/or forums on sustainability for the benefit of the CEO Clubs Network’s members and/or partners/ sponsors;
e) To stay abreast of regional and/or international best practices, emerging trends, and prevailing risks related to sustainability for the CEO Clubs Network’s members and/or partners/ sponsors;
f) To develop an annual sustainability program for the CEO Clubs Network and effectively communicate the program’s aspirations and components to internal and external stakeholders;
g) To monitor and report on the CEO Clubs Network’s sustainability approach and annual sustainability program and
h) To carry out such other achvies and programs as are relevant to and consistent with the objectives, aims, and policies of the CEO Clubs Network.
4. The Sustainability Commitee will be comprised of a total of 10 members. The Commitee will be led by Sarah Dong in her capacity as the Chairperson (Chair) with support from Rachel A. Aron in her capacity as the Lead Coordinator.
5. The Commitee will organize and hold its meetings on a quarterly basis. In the event of emergencies or urgent maters, meetngs will be held as soon as the circumstances demand.
6. Members of the Commitee will be able to atend meetings physically (in person) and/or virtually (by video conference). The secretariat of the CEO Clubs Network will be responsible for communicating notices to all members of the Commitee for each meeting at least seven (7) days in advance. Each notice will state the date, time, and location of the meeting, and a meeting agenda will be atached to each notice. Where appropriate, supporting documentation will be atached to each meeting notice.
7. Members of the Commitee are expected to atend meetings in order to ensure the smooth functioning of the commitee. Members who fail to atend 50% of scheduled meetings in a 3year without satisfactory explanations will be referred to the Management of the CEO Clubs Network for appropriate action.
8. The performance of the Commitee will be reviewed and assessed annually by a task force designated by the Management of the CEO Clubs Network. The task force’s recommendations must be discussed, and relevant recommendations to beadopted will require the approval of the majority of the members of the Commitee.